API Access Token

v1_works_docket API

 * REST API end-points for interacting with the 'works_docket' resource.
Returns information about the 'works_docket_person' resource, filterable by the fields described below.

Response field notes:
- 'total_hours' is calculated according to Traffio configuration defined in the 'Admin' > 'Traffio Config' screen. The following configuration items affect calculation of 'total_hours':
'Docket total time starts when the worker', 'Docket total time ends when the worker', 'Docket print - "Total" includes break time' and 'Docket print - "Total" includes travel time'.
@return ARRAY of works_docket
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) Required. Must be within 180 days of the date specified in the date_to field.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) Required. Must be within 180 days of the date specified in the date_from field.
Set to '0' for undeleted records.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), if supplied, only records modified more recent than this datetime will be returned

Returns information about the 'works_docket' resource, filterable by the fields described below.
Each booking may have multiple works_dockets recorded against it.
@return ARRAY of works_docket
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) Required. Must be within 180 days of the date specified in the date_to field.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) Required. Must be within 180 days of the date specified in the date_from field.
Set to '0' to get undeleted records.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), if supplied, only records modified more recent than this datetime will be returned