API Access Token

v1_sage_50 API

 * REST API end-points for interacting with the 'booking', and related resources. Only for Asignit.
@return ARRAY
Field Description

@return ARRAY
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.

Accepts log messages (usually error messages) that are generated during the execution of a Zynk Workflow - usually due to a failure but can also be used for debugging.
@return ARRAY
Field Description

Imports Sage 50 Cloud Nominal Codes into Traffio.
@return ARRAY
Field Description