API Access Token

v1_resource API

 * REST API end-points for interacting with the 'resource' resource.
Returns information about the 'resource type' filterable by the fields described below.
This is lookup table, as resource type does not change.

Response fields:

- 'resource_type_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the resource type.
- 'resource_type_name' (string): The name of the resource type.
- 'resource_type_description' (string): The description of the resource type.
- 'resource_type_non_billable' (boolean): Whether the resource type is billable or not.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the resource is considered deleted or not.
@return ARRAY of resource categories Returns a single record if the resource_type_id is provided.
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
Customised type for resources

Returns information about the 'resource' filterable by the fields described below.

Response fields:

- 'resource_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the resource.
- 'resource_name' (string): The name of the resource.
- 'resource_description' (string): The description of the resource.
- 'resource_abbreviation' (string): The abbreviation of the resource.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the resource is considered deleted or not.
@return ARRAY of resource
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), if supplied, only records modified more recent than this datetime will be returned
primary key
(type is a customer defined description that is not required, but may be used)