API Access Token

v1_person API

 * REST API end-points for interacting with the 'person' resource.

a list of records representing when people are unavailable.
A binary flag is use dto indicate weather the leave period applies to teh am or pm of each week day in teh "unavailable_shifts" attribute

unavailable_shifts look up table
Day: AM : PM
Mon: 1 : 2
Tue: 4 : 8
Wed: 16 : 32
Thu: 64 : 128
Fri: 256 : 512
Sat: 1024 :2048
Sun: 4096 :8192

so for example if the person is not available on wednesday and thursday night the a value of the unavailable_shifts would be
32 + 28 = 60
A bitwise comparison to the booking can be done with a bitwise comparison between unavailable_shifts and booking_touches_shifts from a booking
if unavailable_shifts = 0 then all shifts are unavailable

example data:
"availability_id": "122",
"availability_status_id": "2",
"unavailable_shifts": "0",
"person_id": "217",
"availability_type_id": null,
"availability_was_system_generated": "0",
"date_from": "2023-09-01 12:00:00",
"date_to": "2023-09-01 12:00:00",
"availability_description": null,
"last_modified": "2023-09-01 05:13:07",
"modified_by": "15",
"is_deleted": "0",
"created_on": "2023-09-01 05:07:08",
"created_by": "15",
"first_name": "Alan",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"depot_id": "1",
"author": "Debra Collins",
"edited_by": "Debra Collins",
"reviewed_by": null,
"availability_type_name": null,
"territory_id": null,
"depot_name": "Mydo",
"max_last_modified": "2023-09-01 06:27:14.9577"

@return array of resources. Returns a single record if the person_id is provided
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
Primary key of the record
The unique ID of the depot to which the resource belongs.
coma separated list of depot_ids
Flag indicating if the resource is deleted or not. 0 = not deleted, 1 = deleted.
A datetime of which the resource was last modified in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. Returns records with a last_modified datetime value greater that the datetime provided.
The unique ID of the desired resource. Returns a single record if it exists. Other filters do not apply.
coma separated list of territory_ids


a list of records representing people that are blocklisted from working with certain clients.
Sample response data:
"blocklist_code": "client_blocklist-125-217",
"blocklist_type_id": "1",
"blocklist_type_code": "client_blocklist",
"blocklist_type_name": "Client Blocklist",
"person_id": "217",
"first_name": "Alan",
"last_name": "Lewis",
"blocklist_reason": "Aren't allowed for some reason",
"client_id": "125",
"project_ids": [],
"project_id": null,
"client_contact_ids": [],
"client_contact_id": null,
"person_ids": [
"person_names": "Alan Lewis",
"blocked_from": "Client: Abata",
"is_deleted": "0",
"last_modified": "2024-04-04 19:10:44",
"modified_by": "15",
"modified_by_name": "John Smith",
"created_on": "2024-04-04 19:10:44",
"created_by": "15",
"created_by_name": "John Smith",
"max_last_modified": "2024-04-10 19:44:08.5591"
@return ARRAY
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
The concatenated code of the blocklist.
The ID of the blocklist type. E.g. 1=client_blocklist, 2=project_blocklist, 3=client_contact_blocklist, 4=persons_blocklist.
Set to '1' if you want only deleted records, '0' for non-deleted records.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), if supplied, only records modified more recently than this date
The ID of the person.

look up table of all genders
@return ARRAY
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
if specified, then only a single gender will be returned
no genders have been deleted (yet)

Returns information about the 'person_category' resource (referred to as 'resource' below) filterable by the fields described below.
The person_category resource is dynamic and can be modified by the end user via the interface.
Resource response fields:
- 'person_category_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the person_category resource.
- 'person_category_abbreviation' (string): The abbreviation of the resource name.
- 'person_category_title' (string): The human readable name of the resource.
- 'person_category_description' (string): The human readable description of the resource.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the resource is considered deleted or not.
- 'created_on' (datetime): The date and time that the resource was originally created on.
- 'last_modified' (datetime): The date and time that the resource was last modified.
- 'max_last_modified' (datetime): The date and time that the resource is being requested. Used to query for only resources that have changed after this date and time on subsequent requests.
@return array of resources. Returns a single record if the person_category_id is provided.
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
Flag indicating if the resource is deleted or not. 0 = not deleted, 1 = deleted.
A datetime of which the resource was last modified in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. Returns records with a last_modified datetime value greater that the datetime provided.
The unique ID of the desired resource. Returns a single record if it exists. Other filters do not apply.

Returns information about the 'person_skill' resource, filterable by the fields described below.
Gets skills for a person.

Resource response fields:
- 'skill_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the skill resource.
- 'person_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the person resource.
- 'resource_id' (foreign key, number): Each skill can be of a specific resource type eg: traffic controller, spotter
- 'depot_id' (foreign key, number): The ID of the depot resource.
- 'max_last_modified' (datetime): The date and time that the skill is being requested. Used to query for only skills that have changed after this date and time on subsequent requests.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the skill is considered deleted or not.
@return ARRAY of person_skill
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
Set to '0' to undelete the record.
(YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), if supplied, only records modified more recent than this datetime will be returned

This method creates and updates a person skill and if succesful will return the details of the person skill.

Resource response fields:
- 'skill_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the skill resource.
- 'person_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the person resource.
- 'driver_licence_type_id' (foreign key, number): The ID of the driver licence type resource.
- 'date_gained' (datetime): The date from which this skill was gained.
- 'expires_on' (datetime): The date which this skill is set to expire.
- 'skill_reference' (string): Reference code for skill eg. licence number.
- 'person_skill_comment' (text): General comments about this person skill.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the skill is considered deleted or not.
@return ARRAY
Field Description
format: date
Type of drivers license required for this skill.
format: date

Returns information about the 'person status' resource (referred to as 'resource' below) filterable by the fields described below.
This is lookup table, as person status does not change.
Resource response fields:

- 'person_status_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the person status resource.
- 'person_status_name' (string): The name of the person status resource.
- 'person_status_approved' (boolean): Whether the person status is approved for the person to be an available resource in Traffio.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the resource is considered deleted or not.
@return ARRAY of person statuses
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.

Returns information about the 'person' resource (referred to as 'resource' below) filterable by the fields described below.
The person_category resource is dynamic and can be modified by the end user via the interface.
Resource response fields:
- 'person_id' (primary key, number): The ID of the person resource.
- 'depot_id' (foreign key, number): The ID of the depot resource that the record belongs to.
- 'person_status_id' (foreign key, number): The ID of the person status resource.
- 'person_category_id' (foreign key, number): The ID of the person_category resource that the record belongs to.
- 'tag_ids' (number set): A set of tag resource IDs related to the record.
- 'first_name' (string): The first name of the person.
- 'last_name' (string): The last name of the person.
- 'mobile' (string): The phone number of the person.
- 'email' (string): The email address of the person.
- 'employee_reference' (string): The internal reference number for the person for employment purposes.
- 'person_is_office_only' (boolean): Whether the person only works in an officeadministrative capacity and not on bookings.
- 'person_is_sub_contractor' (boolean): Whether the person is subcontracted and not employed directly.
- 'person_category_title' (string): The human readable name of the category that the resource belongs to. Corresponds to the 'person_category_id' field.
- 'resource_name' (string): The human readable name of the type of workbooking resource (as opposed to a data resource) that the resource belongs to.
- 'is_deleted' (boolean): Whether the resource is considered deleted or not.
- 'created_on' (datetime): The date and time that the resource was originally created on.
- 'last_modified' (datetime): The date and time that the resource was last modified.
- 'max_last_modified' (datetime): The date and time that the resource is being requested. Used to query for only resources that have changed after this date and time on subsequent requests.
@return array of resources. Returns a single record if the person_id is provided.
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
The unique ID of the depot to which the resource belongs.
The internal reference number for the person for employment purposes.
Flag indicating if the resource is deleted or not. 0 = not deleted, 1 = deleted.
A datetime of which the resource was last modified in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. Returns records with a last_modified datetime value greater that the datetime provided.
The unique ID of the desired resource. Returns a single record if it exists. Other filters do not apply.
Whether the person only works in an office
Whether the person is subcontracted and not employed directly. 0 = false, 1 = true.
The ID(s) of the person status resource (comma separated).

Creates a user and if successful will return the details of the new user.
@return ARRAY
Field Description
Method to use to contact the person. Can be 'sms', 'email' or 'both.
The birth date of the person in the format YYYY-MM-DD
This is the depot the person belongs to. Required.
use the GET gender API lookup for values
Whether the person should be notified of their account details. Defaults to not notifying the user. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
format YYYY-MM-DD Date which the person is Active from
format YYYY-MM-D Date which the person is Terminated from
Formatted address from google map according to lat long
0 = no, 1 = yes.
0 = no, 1 = yes.
Latitude of address location
Longtitude of address location
format YYYY-MM-DD Date which the person is on Probation from
format YYYY-MM-DD Date which the person first starts work
The unique ID of the person status resource.
us the GET pronoun API look up for values
The resource that identifies the person.
is the person aproved to be a team leader. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
User name of the person used to login. This will be converted to lowercase. Required.

Creates a user and if successful will return the details of the new user.
@return ARRAY
Field Description
The birth date of the person in the format YYYY-MM-DD
use the GET gender API lookup for values
Formatted address from google map according to lat long
Required Traffio's primary key for this person
us the GET pronoun API look up for values

look up table of all pronouns
@return ARRAY
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
no pronouns have been deleted (yet)
if specified, then only a single pronoun will be returned

look up table of all social_inclusions
@return ARRAY
Field Description
Comma Separated list of columns to restrict results to. Order is kept. If field does not exist then column will be included, but a blank result will be returned
eg: "name,description,created_by"

Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV
Comma Separated list of columns to exclude from results.
Currently only enabled for GET requests using formats of HTML, TSV, CSV Note: Exclude field will be ignored if fields are supplied.
no social_inclusions have been deleted (yet)
if specified, then only a single social_inclusion will be returned