API Access Token

v1_upload API

 * REST API end-points for interacting with the 'files' resource.
 * Each end-point below sets up and returns the required form attributes (valid for 15 minutes) for uploading a file directly to AWS s3.
 * See {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-post-example.html here} for an example of how to use the responses from these end-points to upload a file.
 * Resource response fields for all end-points:
 * - 'formAttributes': JSON object of HTML form attributes to use when uploading the file.
 * - 'formAttributes.action': The value for the 'action' attribute of the form.
 * - 'formAttributes.method': The value for the 'method' attribute of the form.
 * - 'formAttributes.enctype': The value for the 'enctype' attribute of the form.
 * - 'formAttributes.key': The unique key for the file in the S3 bucket. When uploading a file using this policy, you must append your filename to the end of this key.
 * - 'formInputs': JSON object of HTML form input 'name' and 'value' pairs to use when uploading the file.
 * - 'formInputs.acl': Value for the form input named 'acl'.
 * - 'formInputs.Content-Type': Value for the form input named 'Content-Type'.
 * - 'formInputs.key': The unique key for the file in the S3 bucket to be used in the form input named 'key'. When uploading a file using this policy, you must append your filename to the end of this key.
 * - 'formInputs.X-Amz-Credentials': Value for the form input named 'X-Amz-Credentials'.
 * - 'formInputs.X-Amz-Algorithm': Value for the form input named 'X-Amz-Algorithm'.
 * - 'formInputs.X-Amz-Date': Value for the form input named 'X-Amz-Date'.
 * - 'formInputs.Policy': Value for the form input named 'Policy'.
 * - 'formInputs.X-Amz-Signature': Value for the form input named 'X-Amz-Signature'.
@return string Returns form attributes required to upload the file in JSON format.
Field Description
The MIME file type of the file. Eg
The ID of the resource that the file relates to.

@return string Returns form attributes required to upload the file in JSON format.
Field Description
The MIME file type of the file. Eg
The ID of the resource that the file relates to.

@return string Returns form attributes required to upload the file in JSON format.
Field Description
The MIME file type of the file. Eg
The ID of the person resource that the file relates to.
The ID of the skill resource that the file relates to.